Friday, October 20, 2017

Consecration of Renovated Shrine at Sri Sarada Mutt - 20th Oct'17

20th Oct'17:

Most Blessed day of my Life !!

Early morning around 8 A.M, started to Sri Sarada Mutt after completing poojas at Home. Offered my Humble pranams to Holy Trios & participated in Bhajans going on.

Renovated Shrine
Got blessings from Ramaprana Mathaji (President of Sri Saradha Mutt, Chennai). Around 9'o clk, Guru Mathaji (Ajayapranaji Mathaji) visited the shrine and did consecration for the new renovated Shrine.

Guru Mathaji doing consecration for Renovated Shrine

Guru Mathaji doing consecration for Renovated Shrine

Guru Mathaji doing consecration for Renovated Shrine
Then, Niveditha Mathaji & 2 other Mathajis started Homem chanting the mantras of Guru Maharaj, Sharadha Maa & Swamiji. We all (devotees) chanted the mantras along with them.

Homem at Sri Saradha Mutt

Homem at Sri Saradha Mutt

Homem at Sri Saradha Mutt

After Homem, again Bhajans started. Then, Guru Mathaji (Ajayapranaji Mathaji) & Ramapranaji Mathaji blessed all the devotees. Offered pranams & got blessings from both of them. Then, Mathajis offered delicious Lunch prasad for everyone.

Holy Mother's Stature on Renovation day
Had lunch prasad and reached home. Evening, again visited Sri Sarada Mutt, Attended Arathi, got blessings from Guru Mathaji (Ajayapranaji Mathaji) & Ramapranaji Mathaji again. Swadharma pranaji Mathaji said not to cook at home, and provided dinner too. 

21st Oct'17:

On this day, visited Saradha Mutt around 10 A.M., offered my humble pranams to Holy Trios & Did Jaba. Many devotees came from Salur to get Initiation from Guru Mathaji. 

Devotees having lunch after taking Initiation
Got blessings from Guru Mathaji and reached home. Attended Satsang at Sri Saradha Seva Sangh, K.K. Nagar in the eve..

Blissful days at Sri Sarada Mutt !!

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