Sunday, February 19, 2017

Niveditha Hostel Opening ceremony at Salur - 9th Feb'17

9th Feb'17:

It was a real miracle visit !! Previously I didn't have plans to visit Salur, and booked for my mom alone. By Guru maharaj's order, the previous day they informed me at office that there was less work load for next 2 days and if needed can take off, immediately I ringed up Swadharma prana Mathaji and informed the same. She intimated me that one person who already booked couldn't travel and I can travel on behalf of that person.

Sri Saradha Mutt at Salur (Temple 25)
Address: Sri Saradha Mutt,
Salur, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu

Early morning around, myself with my mom visited Sri Saradha Mutt, T.Nagar. From there our group of volunteers traveled to Salur via Deluxe bus.

Holy Trios at Salur
First we offered our Humble pranams to Holy Trios at the Shrine. Then, reached the venue (1st Floor) where poojas were performed.

Holy Rituals
Dhivavradha prana Mathaji, Admabodhprana Mathaji & Niveditha Mathaji performed Homem & other Holy Rituals.

Children at Salur Village belong to Irula tribes where literacy rate is negligible. Mathajis of Sri Sarada Mutt adopted the village and providing quality education, food & Clothes to the people.

Children at Salur Village
Niveditha Hostel was opened for those kids. Those kids participated in various cultural performances.

Most Revered Amalaprana Mathaji gave speech about Niveditha. Bhakthi Prana Mathaji, Ramaprana Mathaji along with Amalaprana Mathaji blessed all the devotees.

Most Revered Amalaprana Mathaji, Ramaprana Mathaji & Bhaktiprana Mathaji
Then we had lunch with the kids. After lunch, Vani aunty took us to various places and explained the history of the villagers, about the activities of Saradha mutt for the improvement of Irula tribes.

Swamiji Vivekananda's Statue
Also, a statue was built for Swamiji Vivekananda. 

Captivating effort by the Mathajis of Saradha Mutt & a worthy visit !!

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