Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Blissful day at Shirdi (Maharashtra) - 11th Sep'17

11th Sep'17:

On this day early morning around 6 A.M, myself along with my parents started from Apple Sai Residency, took an auto and reached to Dwarakamai Masjid

Shirdi - Dwarakamai Masjid (Temple 263)
Address: Dwarakamai Masjid, PO: Shirdi Tal, Rahata Dist., Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - 423109

Dwarakamai Masjid 1

Dwarakamai Masjid 2
Dwarakamai Masjid is located between Samadhi Mandir and Chavdi. We stood in queue for few minutes and got in to the Masjid. When we got in, the huge fireplace (Sacred Dhuni) created by Baba was first noticeable. A stone where Baba used to sit was also available for visibility.

Then, got to see wonderful dharshan of Baba. Offered our humble pranams to Baba and then visited Sree Chavdi.

 Shirdi - Shree Chavadi (Temple 264)
Address: Shree Chavadi, PO: Shirdi Tal, Rahata Dist., Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - 423109

Shree Chavadi
Baba's Chavadi is intimately connected to Baba's life, as he used to sleep here on alternate nights during the last decades of his life ! A Large portrait of Baba is placed here now, also it is divided in to two sections - One for Gents and the other one for Ladies. We have offered our humble pranams to Baba & sought his blessings and then visited Sri Sai Samadhi Mandir.

Shirdi - Sri Sai Samadhi Mandir (Temple 265)
Address: Sri Sai Samadhi Mandir, PO: Shirdi Tal, Rahata Dist., Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - 423109

Sri Sai Samadhi Mandir 

At Sri Sai Samadhi Mandir 

It was my long term desire to visit Baba's Samadhi Mandir and it got fulfilled this day. 

We have booked for 6.30 A.M VIP dharshan costs Rs.200. Sai Baba Samadhi Mandir is the place where sacred body of Baba is resting in samadhi. A beautiful Idol of Baba was placed above the samadhi. We had a great dharshan of Baba, offered our pranams to Baba's samadhi & sought his blessings. Again we went in for Free dharshan around 7.30 A.M. They have provided prasad for everyone (Dhuni + Sweet Prasad (Bhoondhi)).

We had a great peace of mind at this place & felt divinity to the core & then visited Sri Dakshan Mukhi Hanuman temple nearby.

Shirdi - Sri Dakshan Mukhi Hanuman Mandir (Temple 266)
Address: Sri Dakshan Mukhi Hanuman Mandir, PO: Shirdi Tal, Rahata Dist., Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - 423109

Infront of Dakshan Mukhi Hanuman Mandir
Sri Dakshan Mukhi Hanuman temple was a beautiful Hanuman temple located nearby Sai Samadhi Mandir with a Big idol of Lord Anchaneya. Had a wonderful dharshan of Lord Hanuman & felt Blissful.

Most Blissful day at Shirdi. Jai Sai Ram !! Jai Sai Ram !!