Monday, January 23, 2017

Swamiji Vivekananda's Birthday Celebration - 19th Jan'17

17th Jan'17

On this fine evening, I have started from office around 5pm, got down at Mambalam station, purchased 5kg green peas and reached Sri Sarada Mutt. Attended 6pm Arathi, then had wonderful time with Swadharmaprana Mathaji. 

Myself along with Mathaji peeled green peas (to be used for lunch on Swamiji's Birthday), discussing various aspects of life. # Blissful evening with Swamiji's Blessing Day 1

18th Jan'17

Again this evening, brought 2 liters of milk (to do milk payasam on Swamiji's Birthday) & 650 gms of Rasagullas from Manna Sweets for Offering to Swamiji and reached to Sri Sarada Mutt, participated in preparation of Hanging decorations along with Kalaivani. Mathaji served me with tiffin (Samosa & Jelabi). # Blissful evening with Swamiji's Blessing Day 2

19th Jan'17
Swamiji's Birthday at Sri Sarada Mutt:

Swamiji's Birthday at Sri Sarada Mutt
Visited Sri Sarada Mutt on Swamiji's Birthday, got blessings from Holy Trios, attended Arathi & Bhajans.

Swamiji's Birthday

Swadharma Prana Mathaji served me with delicious dinner, then did Jebas and reached home.  
# Blissful evening with Swamiji's Blessing Day 3

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Mayer Bari & Cossipore garden house Visit - Dec'16

27th Dec'16:

After seeking blessings from Dakshineswar Kali, myself along with my parents accompanied by Madhan Adhikari visited Sri Sarada Mutt at Dakshineswar

Sri Sarada Mutt - Dakshineswar (Temple 18)
Sri Sarada Mutt, 

Kolkata - 700 076

Sri Sarada Mutt - Dakshineswar
Sri Sarada Mutt at Dakshineswar was the Head Quarters of Sarada Mutt built to visualize the dream of Swami Vivekananda to train Sannyasins to self realization and to serve the world in all possible ways. 

We offered our pranams to Holy Trios & got blessings from Mathaji and then started to Cossipore Garden House.

Cossipore Garden House - Ramakrishna Math (Temple 19)
Ramakrishna Mutt Udhyanbati, 

90, Cossipore Road, CIT,
Cossipore, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700 002

Cossipore Garden House

When Sri Sri Thakur suffered from severe illness, he got to stay at Cossipore Garden House for a while. Now, Shrine of Holy Trios was available at first floor.

We have offered our pranams to Holy Trios, another important significance of this place was 'Kalpataru tree'.

Kalpataru - Mango Tree 

During Jan 1, 1886, Sri Sri Thakur blessed all his devotees with spiritual awakening under this tree. 
Hence every year, 'Kalpataru Day' will be celebrated here in a very Grand manner. 

Mayer Bari - The Mother's house at Udbodhan (Temple 20)
The Mother's house (Sri Sri Maer Bari), 
Udbodan Ln, Bag Bazar Colony,
Baghbazar, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700 003

Mayer Bari - The Mother's house at Udbodhan

Next we visited Mayer Bari - The Mother's house at Udbodhan, had dharshan of Holy Mother at 11.45 am, daily dharshan time here will be 11.45 am. 

Then had delicious blessed lunch at Mother's house. 

Most Blessed day !!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Spiritual Retreat by Swami Thyagananda Maharaj - Jan'17

15th Jan'17:

On this fine Sunday morning, myself along with Swadharmaprana Mathaji, 2 Brahmacharinis & Vani aunty visited Sri Ramakrishna Math at Mylapore for Spiritual Retreat by Most Revered Thyagananda Maharaj.

Sri RamaKrishna Math - Mylapore (Temple 17)
Sri Ramakrishna Mutt, 

31, Ramakrishna Math Road, 
Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004

Sri RamaKrishna Math - Mylapore

When we got in to the Sanctum, got blessings from Holy Trios (Sri Sri Thakur, Sri Sharada Maa & Swamiji Vivekananda), then walked to RamaKrishnananda Hall to hear the speech by most revered Thyagananda Maharaj who came from Boston

Speech by Thyagananda Maharaj

An important point to be implemented in life from Maharaj's Speech:

If you have strong faith on Sri Sri Thakur or any of your favorite God, then shouldn't have any anxiety / worry about the worldly things like family, marriage, job etc., etc., Must have a strong belief that the Almighty will take of our entire needs. 

Followed by the speech, another Maharaj taught meditation for about 20 minutes. Then, Gautamananda Maharaj gave speech. 

Swami Gautamananda Maharaj

An important point mentioned by Gautamananda Mahraj:

From the teachings of Sri Sri Thakur, the primary goal of life should be the Realization of GOD, life is so shorter, then happiness is also so short which may end any time, so be focused on the primary goal than worldly pleasures.

The wonderful session ended with Bhajans. They have also served us with delicious lunch. Swami Ramakrishnananda showered his unconditional blessings, had another most enchanting experience relevant to Swami Ramakrishnananda at Ichapur (West Bengal). Let me describe the same in another post.

Blessed Sunday !!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Euphoric Visit to Dakshineswar Kali temple - Dec'16

27th Dec'16:

Dakshineswar Kali temple (Temple 16)
Dakshineswar Kali temple, 
Dakshineswar, Kolkata, 

West Bengal - 700 076

From the books of Lord Ramakrishna, I have read much about the spiritual sadhanas he did at Dakshineswar Kali temple, from then on it was long term desire to visit this temple and finally it got fulfilled on this day

Daksineswar Kali temple 
Early morning around 7 am, the driver Madhan Adhikari came and picked up me & my parents, he drove directly to Dakshineswar Kali temple.He also acted as tourist guide giving information about various places.

First we got to visit Panchavati where Sri Sri Thakur meditated for years..

Next, Madhan showed us 'Rani Rashmoni' memorial, Rani Rashmoni - who built Dakshineswar Kali temple.

Rani Rashmoni Memorial
Next we got to see 'Nahabat' where Holy mother Sri Sarada Devi stayed for years and did service to Thakur. It was a small room & it was a real wonder how she got to manage all activities in such a small room.We also got a chance to view Thakur's room where he did spiritual sadhanas and met his devotees.

Temple View
Mobiles, cameras, hand bags are not allowed inside the temple, and Photography is strictly prohibited.

First we visited the presiding deity of the temple - Bavatharini, had wonderful dharshan. Had awesome divine feel, couldn't be expressed in words. Then, got blessings from 12 Shiv lingas available in different sanctum.

Then got blessings from Radha Kantha temple.
Most Blessed day of my life at the Kali temple worshiped by my Guru Sri Sri Thakur..

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Visit to Other Important Shrines at Belur Mutt - Dec'16

29th Dec'16:

Swami Brahmananda temple (Temple 13)
Swami Brahmananda temple, 

Belur Mutt, Belur,
Howrah, West Bengal - 711 202

On this day, myself along with parents visited other important Shrines at Belur Mutt, an important shrine is Swami Brahmananda temple. 

Swami Brahmananda temple
Swami Brahmananda was one among the 16 direct disciples of  Shri RamaKrishna. Next to Swami Vivekananda, he was the first president of Ramakrishna Math & Mission. The shrine was built on the place where his body was cremated on 1924.

We offered our prayers to Swami Brahmananda & received his blessings.

Old Shrine (Temple 14) 
Old Shrine, 

Belur Mutt, Belur,
Howrah, West Bengal - 711 202

Next we visited Old Shrine situated at first floor

Old Shrine 
It was the original shrine where the direct disciples of Shri Ramakrishna sang devotional songs & meditated till the new shrine was consecrated. 

Sri Sri Thakur at Old Shrine
Offered prayers to Sri Sri Thakur at Old Shrine & meditated for few minutes.

Samadhi Pith (Temple 15)
Samadhi Pith, 
Belur Mutt, Belur,Howrah, West Bengal - 711 202

Next we visited Samadhi Pith where the remains of seven of the 16 direct disciples of Shri RamaKrishna were cremated here.

Samadhi Pith
Offered our prayers here too & then visited the museum at Belur Mutt. It has got the wonderful collection of priceless articles, assets, photographs etc., of Sri Sri Thakur, Sri Sharada Maa & Swamiji.

Most Blessed day with the blessings of Holy Trios at Belur Mutt !!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Swami Vivekananda temple at Belur Math - Dec'16

29th Dec'16:

Swami Vivekananda temple (Temple 12)
Swami Vivekananda temple, 

Belur Mutt, Belur,
Howrah, West Bengal - 711 202

On this day, we have visited Swami Vivekananda temple at Belur Math. Swami Vivekananda was one of the direct disciple of Shri Ramakrishna. 

Swami Vivekananda temple
The temple was built on the place where  his mortal remains were cremated during the year 1902. Besides the temple stands the bilva tree under which Swamiji used to sit, and as per his wish, his body was cremated at this place. 

We did meditation here and had a great spiritual feel.

Swamiji's Mango Tree:

Swamiji's Mango Tree 
Next we got to see Swamiji's mango tree which is situated nearer to Swamiji's room. He used to do meditation under this tree and meet his devotees.

Swamiji's Room:

Swami Vivekananda's room 

We also got a chance to visit Swamiji's room, the room where Swamiji lived and attained Maha samadhi in 1902. 

A Click from Swamiji's room
We really had a pleasant spiritual feel after visiting this monastic institution. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Belur Math - Heart touching Monastic Institution

26th Dec'16:

Shri RamaKrishna temple at Belur Mutt (Temple 10)
Sri Ramakrishna temple, 

Belur Mutt, Belur,
Howrah, West Bengal - 711 202

Belur Math
On this fine evening, myself along with my parents reached Belur, Sankara Maharaj from Chennai arranged accommodation for us at Sri Vivekananda Kudir owned by Ranjit Bhattacharya, we refreshed up and visited Belur Math around 5 pm. 

Belur Mutt - Front view

Met Tapas Maharaj, he helped us for booking cab for visiting other centers at Kolkata. Then we attended Arathi around 5.15 pm. Sri Sri Thakur showered us with unlimited Blessings, it was a red carpet welcome.. Felt awesome..

Other shrines are closed after Aarathi, hence couldnt visit those on the same day.

29th Dec'16:
Holy Mother temple at Belur Mutt (Temple 11)
Holy Mother temple, 
Belur Mutt, Belur,

Howrah, West Bengal - 711 202

On this day, we have visited Belur Math again, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi was the spiritual consort of Shri RamaKrishna. 

Holy Mother Temple at Belur Mutt
There was a separate sanctum inside Belur Mutt for Holy Mother, situated on the Ganges river, we prayed to her to seek her blessings. 

Holy Mother Temple 
Those who are touched by Shri Rama Krishna, Holy Mother (Sri Sarada Devi) & Swami Vivekananda must visit Belur Math.